Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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Website Updates To Come

The following updates are being prepared for launch on the website, there is no date for launch yet because we are extremely busy at the moment, but we hope to be able to launch them before the start of Easter.

1) Brand New Mini Review System
A completely revamped review system, the current album review list will be replaced with 'mini' reviews for albums. This will allow us to more easily add 'simple' reviews to the website as albums are released and then follow up with full reviews at later points as time allows.

2) New Artist Profiles
Nicola is currently working on a few artist profiles to be added to the website based on recent submissions. As soon as each one is complete they will be added to the website.

3) Personal Artist Trophy Case
Each artists profile will have a personal trophy case added to their profile page. A main case will appear that will list all of the awards an artist has received. It will also indicate the artists current User Trophy Leader board position.

4) Mid Year Artist Popularity Vote
As part of our redeployment we removed artist voting, to replace that we are planning to run a popularity vote on our forums. A new section will appear where anyone can vote for the favourite artists in different categories to win a popular vote and some unique trophies for their personal trophy case and some bonus User Trophies to help them in the leader board.
(The details of this are still being considered)

5) New Competition
We are currently considering running a competition of some kind for our visitors.

If you would like to comment on any of the above or discuss the above then please follow the link below to the equivalent post on our forums: